Agents of SHIELD
Episode 4 – Eye Spy
The Good Nerd
There it is folks! This is the episode Agents of SHIELD figured
out what it was all about. This episode solidified most of the characters and brought
them to life!

The tech in this episode really started to feel like what
SHIELD would have. Facial recognition software that was hinted about in
Avengers, multi round taser/trank guns, and spy infiltration camera glasses
were top notch. Our super spies are starting to feel like they are actually
elite rather than just glorified FBI in a cool plane.
The taser/trank gun was great because it started a running
gag that is subtle and very funny. Ward and Fitz seem to love naming things and
argue about it frequently. Fitz named the gun the nightlight, which Ward hated
and vetoed. Ward named their reconnaissance van the short bus, which Coulson
vetoed and hated. With new tech and vehicles sure to pop up frequently I can
see this be a great running gag.
Melinda May showed us more of the take-charge attitude that
I have been wanting from her this whole time. When the
solution to a specific problem came up she didn’t wait for Coulson to chat
about it, she took action. Melinda May makes a decision and then acts on it.
She doesn’t do kid gloves. The fight between May and Agent Akela was awesome
and one of the best parts of the episode. Coulson previously stated that Akela
was the only other person he knows as badass as May and the two of them got to
go head to head. I am dying to know more about her character’s past; hopefully
we will get some of the terrible secrets soon.
Coulson like always was great, unless he was talking to
Skye. When dealing with the rest of the team, he is in command and direct.
However, any time he talks to Skye, it feels forced. The conversation is half
the time exposition and half the time sappy heart to heart moments that sound
better coming from an ABC Family Movie than from Coulson. This isn’t a problem
with Coulson per se, more a problem with Skye.

So, what did we learn?!: the official Agents are really
getting their act together, Coulson is awesome when not talking to Skye, and
the writers need to decide who Skye is and then live with it. All of this just
goes to show you that the writers are figuring it out and they are finally
moving towards the SHIELD we want.
Good Nerd: Thumbs Up
The Bad Nerd
What’s the frequency, Coulson? No, seriously. What frequency
are you operating on? Spoiler alert central from here on!
“Eye Spy” was the “He’s our leader, but do we trust him?”
episode. And so the episode begins with Coulson choosing the assignment (we were
promised he would!) that sends the team after his first protégé. But this isn’t
a hunting expedition as much as it is a sketchy reunion. But it’s clear from
the outset that Akela is no Anakin Skywalker, but rather a puppet. And here’s
where things take a turn for the “meh”.
This story is too small for this show. Good writing is
supposed to take you places, question truth or reality, or make you believe in
something bigger. And since it’s part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), I
expect big stories. Over the last month, the series has seen a marked decline
in viewership overall. I say it’s a direct result of thinking too small. When
you consider that most homes today have large, widescreen TVs that bring a
cinematic-like experience to your living room, it makes no sense to dial down
your story whatsoever. That doesn’t mean you need a bigger budget, it means you
need bigger ideas.

And on a final note, Coulson is SO a robot. They couldn’t be
hinting louder that he’s either an LMD (life model decoy), or the Vision. Get
it? Eye Spy…Vision?! I don’t know if that’s how they plan to handle it and
incorporate it into the MCU at large in the next Avengers movie, but it seems
to make sense at this point.
All in all, I’m still not impressed. But I fear that has to
do more with my expectation and desire to see this property to given license to
kill it on the overall arc of the show. Until then, I’ll be tuning in each week
to spew my nerd rage, right here!
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